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The Mover is an enemy from Final Fantasy IX fought in Terra and Pandemonium It appears in threes and has unique death behavior compared to other enemies in the game They are dangerous when all three are present at once 1 Stats 11 Middle 12 Right 13 Left 2 Battle 3 AI script 4 Tetra Master 5 Gallery Movers are exceptionally dangerous when all three are present, as they can align into aThe Griffin is a flying enemy from Final Fantasy IX It can be found in Fossil Roo and on the Donna Plains on the Outer Continent A Griffin can also be fought as part of a side event in Treno's weapon shop during the time Dagger and Steiner come to town with Marcus It has the same stats as regular Griffins, but no Experience, gil or items will be rewarded During this time, the best way to Ff9 壁紙 pc Ff9 壁紙 pcCAPTURE, CUSTOMISE AND EVOLVE!Ff9 Desktop Wallpapers Wallpaper Cave Ff9 壁紙 iphone Ff9 壁紙 iphone壁紙 5種,スマホ壁紙 5種,Twitterアイコン画像集スクリーンセーバー 1種。 THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY CURTAIN CALL サイズ:1280x800,1280x1024...

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